The Town of Hartford South Dakota now accepts payments online. PayGOV.US has been contracted to provide the service.
Expanding resident payment options is an idea whose time has come. Hartford leaders had checked into offering these services in the past but found the costs to be too high. Most banks required the Town to purchase equipment, absorb transaction costs, and enjoin in lengthy contracts. The service provided by PayGOV.US is paid for only by those who choose to use the service. A nominal fee is assessed for the convenience of paying online. By passing along the normal fees associated with credit card acceptance that Town is now able to offer enhanced payment options without raising the costs for traditional payers.
Finance Officer Karen Wilber Latimer performed extensive research of payment processors to identify the best fit. PayGOV.US was chosen because of their excellent reputation among municipalities and their multi-faceted solution. PayGOV meets all of the towns’ requirements today while offering a flexible platform for future growth.
To pay your water online simply go to (http://www.hartfordsd.us/) Credit and Debit card payments can also be made by phone (866-480-8552) or in person at the office.
For more information contact Jonathan Stoops at jstoops@paygov.us or 1-866-480-8552.