Press Release
How many claims does your agency receive in a year? Hundreds? Thousands? Filing these claims with the courts can be both confusing and time consuming. Different cases need to be filed with different courts. Different courts require different forms. The process creates enough paper traffic to clog even the most efficient offices.
Now there is a solution
E-Filing, from PayGOV, uses the Internet to get your claims filed with the courts faster and more efficiently. Using PayGOV, you can file literally hundreds of cases, with hundreds of different courts, without ever leaving your desk. All the required forms can be accessed and filled out online. PayGOV even allows you to attach additional files in a wide variety of file formats.
Custom Tailored to Your Case Management System
PayGOV can easily be integrated into your existing court case management system, so there is no complicated software to learn or administrative procedures to create.
Here’s how it works
Submitting documents to the court is as easy as printing out hard copies. The only difference is instead of sending your documents to a printer, you are sending them to a file where your documents will be rendered in a digital format that is legally authentic.
Once the forms have been filled out, you can attach any additional files that need to be included. The process is similar to the way you would attach a file when sending an email message. In addition to including additional exhibits, you can also include special service instructions to better insure timely delivery to the defendant.
When the forms are complete, they are placed in a batch file containing all the cases your agency would like to file within a certain period of time. You can submit a batch of cases daily, weekly, etc. The more cases included in a batch, the lower your cost is for filing each case. There is no minimum number of cases required for each batch.
The batch file is sent to the server, where each case is routed to the proper court. Your batch file can contain cases that are all being filed with the same court or with different courts across the country. There is nothing for you to mail, fax, or photocopy. Filing fees are calculated automatically and paid online when the batch file is submitted to the court.
Your documents are received electronically (or by fax, depending on the court) by the clerk. The clerk stamps them and forwards them to a process server for delivery to the defendant. When service has been completed, confirmation will be sent via email.