Sturgeon Bay Utility Wisconsin to expand accepted payments

“We are pleased to continue to offer our electronic payment service to Sturgeon Bay at a reduced rate and to add electronic check acceptance. In this economy it is vital that every avenue is explored to increase revenue collection.” Remarked Jonathan Stoops, Chief Operations Officer for PayGOV.US. “Sturgeon Bay is a Utility on the forefront of innovation.”

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Town of Atlanta Indiana offers Online Payment!

Clerk-Treasurer Robyn Cook is to be commended for the expansion of service. "The addition of credit cards has been a long time coming, and I'm extremely happy to offer convenient payment options without placing that cost on the Town," explained Cook. "Residents have continually requested this and we are excited to begin!”

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City of Delphos Ohio Office Goes Plastic

Safety Director Greg Berquest researched a dozen vendors before deciding upon a midwestern company. “PayGOV is known throughout the midwest as a great fit for government”, explained Mr. Berquest, “After a thorough search I am comfortable with our selection. We expect to work with them for years to come.” Special thanks to Julie Fish and Sherryl George who worked closely during the selection process and were able to negotiate a waiver of all costs to the City. This keeps the burden off taxpayers who do not use plastic. PayGOV.US is the preferred vendor for Ohio municipal government.

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